On the return of Victory Day over Japan to the all-Russian calendar. Document

VICTORY OVER JAPAN DAY: definition of VICTORY OVER JAPAN. She notified the coalition countries. Medal quot For victory over Japan quot is a reward to those who won

Victory over Japan Day For Bolshevism AUCPB: Victory Day over imperialist Japan. The initiative of the Communist Party of the Russian.

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The medal For Victory over Japan was established on September 30, 1945 by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces. Victory Day over imperialist Japan must be restored. Victory Day 9 May - Wikipedia

As you know, Japan accepted the terms of the Potsdam Declaration of the country’s surrender on August 14, 1945. The Soviet government announced the victory early on 9 May after the signing ceremony in Berlin. Day of the end of the war – News of Baltic Region

Russia does not need a peace treaty with Japan Statement of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the AUCPB 74 years have passed since the last volleys of the Second World War. September 3 – Victory Day over Japan: Collection of documents and materials. Victory over Japan Day wiki TheReaderWiki

In December, they approved the situation and, of course, the description of the medal, on February 5, 1951 they were supplemented. It was first inaugurated in the 15 republics of the Soviet Union, following the signing of the German Instrument of Surrender late in the evening on 8 May 1945 after midnight, thus on 9 May Moscow Time. South Sakhalinsk: CorKi’S, 2022.

lt;br lt;br The collection of documents and materials is devoted to the struggle in 1995-2022 of the Sakhalin and all-Russian public, a number of governors of the Sakhalin region and the Sakhalin Regional Duma for the restoration in the Russian calendar of September 3 as the. September 3 – Victory Day over Japan: Collection of. Victory over Japan Day also known as V-J Day, Victory in the Pacific Day, or V-P Day is the day on which Imperial Japan surrendered in World War II, in effect bringing the war to an term has been applied to both of the days on which the initial announcement of Japan's surrender was made – August 15, 1945, in Japan, and because of time zone differences, August 14, 1945 when it was.

In many countries, Victory Day over Japan is scheduled for September 2. Recently, however, China and Russia have shown noticeable activity in this matter, postponing this day to September 3. Deputies from the Communist Party faction in the State Duma make a proposal for changes to the law On the days of military glory and memorable dates of the Russian Federation.

The main change that the deputies want to initiate is due to the inclusion of the date of September 3 in the calendar as the Victory Day of the Soviet people over militarist Japan. Victory Day is a holiday that commemorates the surrender of Nazi Germany in 1945. This award for victory over Japan received approximately one million 800 thousand people.


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