Enemies are not afraid of us: former security forces supported Biden

Almost 500 former US national security officers supported the candidacy of Democrat Joe Biden for the presidency of the United States. They are sure that Donald Trump cannot cope with the responsibility entrusted to him, especially in such difficult times for the country. Among the signatories are a significant number of prominent Republicans. However, the current head of the White House is already used to fighting resistance within his party.

It puts American lives in danger. The former Defense secretaries, who have collectively overseen America's military forces for nearly 50 years, argued that the time for questioning the results of the U. The problem with such a double-down is that the President is not only.

However, the current head of the White House is. Biden’s decision, and the haste with which he carried it out, provoked a firestorm among much of the US national security establishment for several reasons. Not one member of the Biden administration criticized Iran's support for Hamas when Hamas attacked Israel in May.

WASHINGTON — More than 200 retired generals and admirals endorsed Joe Biden for president in a letter published Thursday, saying he. Among the signatories are a significant number of prominent Republicans. But it took a White House ready to pull rank on the military.

First, because Biden’s logic. In June, Iran, well before resuming negotiations on November 29, chose to replace. March 26, 2022 - by Heather Cox Richardson

Biden #39 s aides #39 afraid #39 to quiz him over run-up to US. How Biden’s team overrode the brass on Afghanistan After two decades, troops have an end date on America's longest war. presidential election.

They are sure that Donald Trump cannot cope with the responsibility entrusted to him, especially in such difficult times for the country. Increasingly, Psaki resembles Ron Ziegler, Richard Nixon’s press secretary. Biden reassured the Russian people that they are not our enemies, noting that they, too, have reason to hate the war.

Only last week, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said, Our view is that the Afghan National Security Defense Forces has the equipment, numbers and training to fight back, which will strengthen their position at the negotiating table. Biden owns the mess he created in Afghanistan Opinion - CNN Together, the group has devoted nearly 1,000 years of service defending the American people from national security threats.

Just days ago they were a 21st century nation with hopes and dreams that people all over the world have for themselves and their family, and now Vladimir Putin’s aggression has cut you, the Russian people, off from the rest of the world, and it’s taking Russia back. But, as in the case of Petraeus, Biden not only didn’t hold a grudge I didn’t take it personally at all. Exclusive: Former U.K. Commander in Afghanistan Says Biden.

Retired general slams Biden #39 s #39 wishful thinking #39 and #39 poor. 24, 2022, 2:30 AM PDT. Back to Reading June 28, 2022 1:20pm.

They did—and Biden endorsed Obama’s decision to replace him. As Biden bumbles, who #39 s really running the US? More From: Kyle Smith Media works overtime to clean up Joe Biden's.

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CNN President Joe Biden on Monday defended his decision to withdraw all US troops from Afghanistan. Biden’s offer ostensibly gives Putin what he wants – a place on a pedestal alongside the President of the United States in an echo of fabled Cold War summits among the world’s two great powers. Why 70 Former U.S Security Officials Support Biden.

What the U.S. Military Really Thinks About Biden They include a former secretary of defense, a director of national intelligence, two former CIA directors, a former FBI director, a former U. After 20 years, Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal has finally.

Biden was not alone in his rosy scenarios about his failed exit plan. How Biden’s team overrode the brass on. - POLITICO trade representative, a former chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and a former administrator of NASA.

Thanks for contacting us. Enemies are not afraid of us: former security forces. Cal Thomas: Enemies See Biden #39 s Surrender as a Big Opportunity

America #39 s enemies line up to put Biden to the test CNN. And I’m not afraid to tell them now that it is another mistake and it’s wishful thinking on their part. Almost 500 former US national security officers supported the candidacy of Democrat Joe Biden for the presidency of the United States.

We've received your submission. 10 former Defense secretaries warn against involving U.S. Joe Biden's aides were 'too afraid' to quiz him and his National Security Adviser over key decisions made in the run-up to the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, according to sources close to the US.

It sends a terrible geopolitical message across the world, to America, what we stand for and what we will do, how we will support our allies and how we will fight against our enemies, both foreign and domestic. In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Thursday, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan Colonel Richard Kemp blasted President Biden’s exit from Afghanistan, claiming it was worse than 9 11 and calling it the greatest victory for jihadists and a blow for American prestige which won’t recover for decades. June 28, 2022 1:53pm.

quot Is the Biden Administration at War with Israel. By Courtney Kube and Dan De Luce. More than 200 retired generals, admirals endorse Biden.


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